Katherine Saunders Let's Do Some Good Award

Dominique Hurley, 2022 recipient shares the light and love

The “Let's Do Some Good” Award was created in memory of Katherine Saunders, the Guide to the Good publication specialist who helped launch the social enterprise.

On what would have been Katherine's 27th birthday, November 10, 2022 Kim Todd, along with the Guide to the Good team members Amanda Russell and Melissa Wong, were pleased to let Dominique Hurley of Dominque Hurley Intuitive Art & Inspiration know that she had won the Let's Do Some Good Award.

It was a bit of a surprise live-stream call. Katherine enjoyed a good surprise.

The Let's Do Some Good Award was created to recognize the cool things that Katherine valued and excelled at - reaching out to the community, creating relationships, and spreading love and light.

Learn more about Katherine here 

In April of 2022 Guide to the Good was delighted to partner on a project Dominque spearheaded - The Community Spirit Treasure Hunt 

Dominque was presented with a beautiful pottery mug by local potter Doll Face Pottery. It was specially designed with the words 'Let's Do Some Good Award' in memory of Katherine Saunders, and features whales and a little Guide to the Good logo.

Local, social and green choices, and amazing people who create beautiful, lasting things in their time on build beautiful, sustainable futures for all of us.

collage of images of Katherine Saunders, a young woman with long red hair.
Glimpses of Katherine during her time at Guide to the Good.

Produced by Guide to the Good. Livestreamed by Guide to the Good. Edited by Melissa Wong.

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Kim Todd

Kim Todd is Founder for thegreenrock and Guide to the Good. She's grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Katherine.